Join Turg and Randy Z as they blow bubbles and exchange giggles with their guest Chris McMullen (aka Seth Brundle) — television personality, expert lifestyle content creator, chef and fashion professional — and discuss transitions, learning your lessons, establishing your worth and…
Have you ever fallen out of love with a past passion that you suddenly gave up?
Chris shares his journey up to 30 and how his intense love for fashion and styling actually forced him away from the profession. We can all relate to the saying “Love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life”, but is this true? Millennials are always touting their ability to innovate. It doesn’t just stop with tech or goods – but with mindset and social movements. Loving what you do is great, but not when it taxes you beyond what you thought possible. Setting goals and maintaining your interest level so that you don’t fall out of love with your passion is important. But, what happens when the reality of 30 dawns? Is a transition always beneficial to help renew your lust for life?
Transitioning into something new can only happen if you know your worth
Turg asks how to someone can assess their worth after learning their talents and working to transition into something new. Sometimes it’s not easy to identify how to go about learning what to ask or how to negotiate for your knowledge. In essence, this is what we do when we market ourselves. But, how often do we understand what we are worth? Chris mentions how he seeks out others who might know more or have more specific experience for answers to this question. It’s important to make inroads and network with people that can help set your expectations. Turg mentions that vocalizing ideas and concepts, with those you can trust, is an important step to harnessing true success in your 30s. Do you gravitate to mentors that can help you identify your worth or impact at 30?
Success versus Happiness – which will win out at 30?
When you learn how to succeed, do you win the day? Does success bring happiness? It’s not easy to identify what you will be doing 3 years from now, let alone 10 years from now. So how do you measure your success relative to where you want to be? Chris shares how he quit his passion – something he mastered – to do something he had no knowledge about. When you don’t have a starting point – or even a reference point for your next step in life you might start to feel lost. But, it’s important to leverage your network, friends and family for insight and to help level you out. It’s also important to maintain your happiness throughout your journey. What is your definition of happiness?
Failures help define our future, so use them to learn and grow
We all have moments in our lives that were dark. We have all been in a place that we never want to go back to. Instead of using it as a weapon against the world, use it as a motivator to help you propel yourself into your future. Chris, Turg and Randy talk how being broke, alone, and afraid helped motivate them into their future successes. Investing in yourself at 30 and maintaining your confidence levels are critical. How and when do you do it? What happens if you have no positive experiences to draw upon when you’re feeling down? Bringing it full circle – surround yourself with positivity and people who care. Reach out to mentors and people who can help. Diversify your skills and talents, know your weaknesses and keep forging on and use your failures to help you understand how not to repeat the same mistakes more than once.