Join Turg and Randy Z as they wrap up their discussion around the Netflix Original Series Master of None – with ideas surrounding balance and other themes from the season finale of the second season of the show titled “Buona Notte” such as losing control in life, never looking back, and…
How important is it for us, in our 30s, to maintain a sense of control?
Often times we fail to acknowledge how important it is to not lose control of your life in your adulthood. Randy thinks it’s almost impossible to have some sort of control over your life in general. It’s so hard to control elements in the world that you cannot control. However, Turg comes back with a different perspective thinking you have control over mostly everything – other than the weather – in your life. There are so many variables that you can control, we sometimes overlook those that we can control by taking them for granted .
What is it that makes us so blind to the truth?
It’s so easy to succumb to the urges that tempt us; the urges that also threaten to derail us. In our 20s we can’t always see the value in thinking things through and maybe view spiraling out of control, for whatever reason, as part of a ‘coming of age’. Do we sometimes regress in our decision making? Turg thinks it may come from either being too naive or maybe even too prideful. That shed some light onto something Randy had never considered before – pride. Pride is seen as the Achilles heal of most men, but is this something that concerns our hosts?
Confidence, how important is it and when will it save us from ourselves?
Turg shares how when he entered the real world (post-college graduation) he entered a real bad spot in his life. There are so many points in our lives where our confidence is challenged. Often, we don’t realize it’s being challenged until it’s too late and may not get the time (or want to invest the time) to address it. Turg shares how this impacted him up until very recently. He thought getting a job and proving his worth would help fix his issues and he thought wrong. Now he’s trying to figure out what next steps are needed in order to pull himself back to a place where he can feel comfortable. Have you ever considered seeking help outside of your circle? Maybe even professional help? Randy has used therapy in the past to help prevent recurring issues within his life. Although it didn’t help, it gave him insight he may not have gained on his own. Sometimes these things help us in ways that may not become apparent until much later. Randy knows it’s all about the balance with the hope of unlocking the answers to things that might not be easily achieved on his own.
So, how do we find the balance and readjust?
Randy thinks it really just starts with being honest with ourselves and the people in our lives. If we get caught up with perfection and the detail, we may get lost in the task achieve failure instead of success. Turg follows up with the insight that perfection is relative. Is it really worth going after perfection? Can humans even achieve perfection? Randy thinks coping is more likely to occur than actual balance. Sacrifice is key in order to achieve peace – to an extent. Would you be happy with sacrificing something in your life in order to find the balance? Turg thinks you might not need to sacrifice long term, but instead maybe find a way to put things off until a future point in time where you can finally find time to incorporate those neglected things in your life.
Have you considered your current state?
What is your goal in life? What does your balance look like? Can you picture it or does it evade you at this point in time? If you ever feel like you need help, reach out and let someone know. If you feel like you’re continually spiraling out of control – find help and find it fast. We care. Get at us. Also, don’t forget to connect with us and share your thoughts! That is the end of our Master of None themed discussions. Until we decide if we are doing Season 1 – we are done with MON for now. We hoped you enjoyed the show (especially the ending – stick around for the end for sure, you’re in for another treat). We promise.
Intro Music & Outro Music:
Saturday Jam by Clifton “Notes” Ellens, Captain Noah, and Jonathan “Sankeyz” Sanchez
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