Join Turg and Randy Z as they try and figure out why Randy’s car is infested and talk about why making a conscious decision to walk away from something – either an opportunity or a person, place or thing – coupled with chance circumstances really resonated with them in the Netflix Original Series Master of None – Season Two Episode Seven– Door #3 and…
When you’re presented with several opportunities in life, how do you decide?
Randy gives us a single strand of wisdom in saying the grass is always greener. Then he comes back with “The grass is greener where you water it.” Turg doesn’t really understand, so Randy elaborates a bit more to help his buddy out. There are situations that are surrounded by so much circumstance, they don’t always have the opportunity to manifest themselves. In some cases, we can see this and decide to just walk away because it’s not right for us. Turg and Randy parallel this to the proposition presented to Dev in this episode. Turg doesn’t understand why Dev would walk away from something he’s always viewed as the ultimate dream. Dev may, in fact, struggle with having enough foresight or commitment to actually endure the difficult situation. Randy thinks – career wise – it was a good decision. So how do the guys relate to this move?
It’s not just about understanding what’s going on, it’s about relating it’s impact to your future
Sometimes we are in a good spot and we know it. Other times, we know that it’s something we might be able to pass up. Turg argues that the decision was premature, even though he relates to the thought process behind what made Dev walk away. How many times do we just overlook the long term opportunity for short term – or immediate – success? Is this a characteristic of the Millennial generation? Turg knows the feeling of being impatient with his career potential and the mentors in his life. It’s much of the same theme that echos in his life so often to the point where it frustrates him to no end. Randy jokes how it’s because Turg is not vulnerable enough to accept relationships with mentors or co-workers for what they are.
So how do we navigate the frustrations that bog us down, whether it’s in career, love, or life in general?
In those moments of deep frustration and lacking fulfillment, Randy says he made his own path and did – in his mind – was the only thing that would give him peace of mind. Starting our own career ventures is often the easiest thing for us to accept because we are in control. No longer are we at the mercy of other people or entities. Are we selling ourselves out for money? Do we stretch ourselves too thin because we are too worried about the financial aspect of our world that we do things we really don’t want to do? The Millennial generation is very good about reinventing themselves and doing things on their own, rather than working for a company or enterprise that they can’t relate with.
Turg contests that it’s often difficult for people to create on their own without any foundation or being able to relate to what a company needs to achieve success. Randy challenges Turg with why this is necessary. He views Turg as counter-culture and more of a rebel with a cause than a company man. Why does Turg feel so compelled to become a company man? Turg maintains the perspective that he needs to learn how to become a company man if that is what he will eventually expect from others who may end up working with him in his own enterprises. Turg continues to assert that it is a matter of loyalty to the company that is missing in American culture and this is what he is learning.
Why do we need to sacrifice our time and a chunk of our journey through thirty to endure through something we might not agree with?
This is the thing, it’s easy to overlook that experience is needed to help ease the journey through thirty. In attaining the right experience – or any experience in general, we make it easier on ourselves to cope with the hardships within our loves. This is applicable to anything and everything we endure throughout our lives. It doesn’t always have to be hard or taxing on our spirits, but sometimes it is. Whether or not we feel that this is needed in our lives at whatever point throughout our 30s we need to know when the right time is to walk away and try something new – or even something on our own.
When is enough, enough? Does it have to do with engagement, excitement, passion, trust, money? When do we just say ‘fuck it’ and walk away? Should we walk away? Is it a characteristic of our generation to give up when the going gets tough?
We are almost at the end of our journey with the Master of None topic discussions. We hope you’ve has as much fun listening as we have recording this stuff.
Watch Master of None on Netflix Now!
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Intro Music & Outro Music:
Saturday Jam by Clifton “Notes” Ellens, Captain Noah, and Jonathan “Sankeyz” Sanchez
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