Join Turg and Randy Z as they discuss more dating culture from a new perspective, fueled by the Netflix Original Series “Master of None” Season Two Episode Four titled First Date relationship in the world of love and…
Social media then versus now – what are your desires?
Turg asks Randy how he uses social media now as opposed to back in the day when it first came out. What are we doing differently now that the social media climate has completely changed? Randy gives some insight into how he used social media to try to form connections and turn something hopeful into something real. Unfortunately, it took a while for it to really work out. Turg makes the statement – somethings some things can be presumed or even misunderstood when conducting electronic interactions.
Randy and Turg share experiences where sometimes texts or messages were misinterpreted and ended up leading to in-person meetups that because huge let downs. Is online dating a bait-and-switch type enterprise? Are online dating relationships going to last? Are they real? Randy thinks that those that use online dating services find them appealing because of the convenience factor and aren’t always approaching that platform due to desperation. Turg asks why in-person interactions and searches are fading fast and losing ground to electronic interactions. Randy gets Turg to share the story of how he met his wife in college. Turg shares that he and his wife never really had a formal, stereotypical ‘first date’ of sorts. The relationship was formed kind of backwards.
How are relationships formed to ensure they last?
Did you have a first date? How did your first date shape your relationships in the past (or present)? Randy shares his experiences with college dating that contrast what Turg thinks is the standard for college relationships – a meet first ask questions later type scenario.
Randy gives insight into what he used to do on first dates – just be real. It’s a different approach that Turg compliments is rather hard to do these days when you factor in the vulnerability people need to display when being real. Why do people put up fronts on the first few dates? How does this fade and the true person come to light? Turg argues why do we hide the “crazy”? Randy says that it’s almost an alignment of crazies – ‘I want to make sure their crazy aligns with my crazy’.
When are you fully committed to seeing a relationship through?
Randy gives an example of his cousin that didn’t see an engagement as a given and more transactional. Turg thinks that is bizarre and that marriages aren’t essentially transactional in nature, however, comes to realize this might not be true. Randy thinks marriage is more of a milestone or step in life that is expected. Turg agrees – it is more an expectation based off a perception people project onto their own lives. It might not be the next step for a lot of people, but maybe they feel obligated to just get married. Turg says you can’t just do something to do it, you need to face facts and come to a mutual understanding before frustrations boil over and things turn sour. Randy think personal preference and endurance (willingness to endure) has a lot to do with it.
Relationships are not a race, they are a marathon. Take it one step at a time. Put one foot in front of the other. Don’t lose sight of the ultimate goal and make sure you always understand the depth of your emotions. Make the decision and stick with it. Be committed to the true nature of what the relationship can become – giving each other the right environment for relationship success.
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Intro Music & Outro Music:
Saturday Jam by Clifton “Notes” Ellens, Captain Noah, and Jonathan “Sankeyz” Sanchez
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