Join Turg and Randy Z as they explore the first of many topics found in the Netflix Original Series “Master of None” as they start off with Season Two Episode One focusing on the main theme of missed connections and find out why the conversation doesn’t always start off with anything relevant to the production notes because…
What’s in a wedding anyway?
Randy entertains a memory about a bachelor party and missing an opportunity to meet a girl who called herself “Undertity”. Turg shares his experience being a part of a wedding party as a married man. What’s so different, you ask? Keep listening to find out – Dick Chicken makes an appearance on the show as antics ensue. Also, find out why a bridesmaid knows a little too much about what she thinks goes on at bachelor parties. Randy gets real – so you’re at a wedding and you meet someone you really hit it off with – but you forget to grab the contact information.
What happens when you realize you were a victim of missed connectionitis?
How far is too far to go to track down a potential missed connection? The guys discuss the theme behind Master of None – Season Two Episode One to help shed some light on what people REALLY do to track down someone they wanted to connect with, but failed to execute? The guys start with social media. Do you stalk the person? How do you find them if they have a common name in a massively populated metropolis? Social media is a great place for finding people all over – Turg prefers LinkedIn to find people because if they’re not on LinkedIn, they’re not worth finding. What other platforms can you use? Turg and Randy discuss how Facebook is not really a viable option since you sometimes can’t stalk non-friends’ friend lists. Do you use Instagram? Twitter? MySpace?
So really, how far do you go to find your soul mate?
Turg draws the line – one social media network and if you don’t get a response, you move on. Don’t come off desperate or overly persistent. Randy wants clarification on what the line is between desperate and persistent. Turg thinks it’s always the guy chasing the girl. Is he right? Is the dating world very one-sided? He’s married – what does he know anyway? Randy says he was always pursued. It’s funny how the past seems to favor our memory in our ‘old age’. Turg decides he’s glad he doesn’t have to date in his thirties.
So moving forward, Turg and Randy Z are going to be discussing a lot of the topics seen in Master of None – primarily Season Two. If you haven’t watched Master of None Season Two, check it out on Netflix. The guys get to finally talk about TV, so make sure you tune in next week for more conversations around Master of None.
Fuck this shit – Dick Chicken RIGHT NOW! Do it!
Watch Master of None Season Two on Netflix Now!
Don’t forget to follow Aziz Ansari and the Official Master of None account on Twitter.
Intro Music & Outro Music:
Saturday Jam by Clifton “Notes” Ellens, Captain Noah, and Jonathan “Sankeyz” Sanchez
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