Join Turg and Randy Z as they highlight their journey while focusing on the career choices they’ve made and…
Randy tricks Turg into starting the episode and thus the world will never know the best intro to ever hit the Talk Thirty to Me archives. Turg buys Hamilton tickets and spends too much. Randy hires a “hood” contractor and explains why he’s temporarily given up on the housing market and his dream of owning a home. Randy explains his room remodel and why he needed a “hood” contractor. Turg reflects on why the “hood” contractor is such a significant part of our society and how the events of someone’s life resonate into their future and into the lives of others.
You might not always get to choose where you land; you might just be a victim of circumstance.
Turg explains how his hardships translated into a life altering moment. Failure is often the worst feeling, but when you can take a negative and spin it into a positive, that’s when the changes you make stick. Turg talks about how he realized he wanted to become a leader – not famous, but inspiring and encouraging. Randy explains why he never drove himself to become a leader and how it just might not be for him. Turg opens up about his obsession to become an influential leader. Awareness is key to achieve anything in life and Turg explains how his awareness developed his desire to lead and grow.
Randy goes two-fold and talks about his struggle between giving back and taking his hobby to the next level. Did you know Randy met an idol of his back in the day? Randy likens his journey to that of Berry Gordy and looks back into his past and how he used icons to provide himself with the support he needed to pursue his dream. Randy discusses how he wanted to be the instrument of change within the establishment and revive what he thought the music industry should be.
Your purpose is not defined by what you do, but by what drives you to accomplish more throughout life.
Turg and Randy discuss how the Millennial struggle cannot evade us no matter what we do. Turg describes how he gets confused when he defines himself by what he does in his career. Randy gets furious when people use purpose as a sales tool to leverage career success. Work and life lessons can cross paths and teach you something new in either arena. It is never wrong for someone to have an opposing opinion because remember, we all have arrived at this point in our lives in different ways. We might not always know where we are going, and all this time spent trying to figure it out might just make it harder to know. The one thing that needs to remain true is that you never surrender to anyone or anything. Keep on going and get what’s yours.
And we leave you with this:
“The world I created has been overrun by ignorant thinking and I need poets to take the world back and break the curse” – Gemineye (Def Jam Poetry)
Have you ever defined yourself by what you do? Did you ever struggle to find your purpose, only to have someone else define it for you? Let us know, we love to hear the stories our listeners have to share.
Intro Music:
Saturday Jam by Clifton “Notes” Ellens, Captain Noah, and Jonathan “Sankeyz” Sanchez
Outro Music:
Saturday Jam by Clifton “Notes” Ellens, Captain Noah, and Jonathan “Sankeyz” Sanchez
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