Join Turg and Randy Z as they continue the discussion from last week’s episode surrounding the essence of finding one’s purpose in life as, this week, they take on Turg’s story, from origin to status as well as…
Turg and his family do Disneyland. Was it a good trip? Was it another version of the Summer Las Vegas trip from 2016? So Turg wants to be famous. Randy doesn’t see Turg as a limelight kind of guy and questions his motivation. Randy says engineering is straightforward – he clearly doesn’t know engineers. Turg talks college changes and personality developments and his hardcore gaming addiction that nearly got him kicked out of UC Riverside.
Mentoring is a way to evoke your worst so you can bring out someone else’s best.
Turg explains how his hardships translated into a life altering moment. Failure is often the worst feeling, but when you can take a negative and spin it into a positive, that’s when the changes you make stick. Turg talks about how he realized he wanted to become a leader – not famous, but inspiring and encouraging. Randy explains why he never drove himself to become a leader and how it just might not be for him. Turg opens up about his obsession to become an influential leader. Awareness is key to achieve anything in life and Turg explains how his awareness developed his desire to lead and grow.
Career paths are unique from person to person, all motivated by different factors; all headed in different directions.
Turg explains how his career path sparked his desire to keep learning and growing to refine his skills and become the leader he strives to be. Randy asks Turg how much hard work versus luck factored into his eventual career change success. Turg explains how his confidence and perseverance helped him overcome the “stuckness” he had felt. It comes down to how badly someone wants the change and what they’re willing to do to achieve it that makes or breaks the decision.
You are only limited by your effort; focus on what you can control and ignore the stuff you can’t.
In life, timing is everything and Turg explains how, while an opportunity is tough to come by – the right opportunity is life changing. If you like what you do, invest all you can to excel so that you’re paving a smooth path toward your future.
Next week we have a great follow up to these wonderful stories about how the guys came to be where they are now and how these influences in their lives were sparked by the ever-changing world around them. Again, the Millennial struggle continues to redefine, reconfigure, and upend the lives of those trying to find their self worth or purpose throughout. We really hope you enjoyed learning more about us because it’s not always easy to share the deepest most best-kept secrets behind the mask.
We want to hear from you – reach out to us and let us know if you have had inspiration from someone or something in your life that has helped shape where you are today.
Intro Music:
Saturday Jam by Clifton “Notes” Ellens, Captain Noah, and Jonathan “Sankeyz” Sanchez
Outro Music:
Saturday Jam by Clifton “Notes” Ellens, Captain Noah, and Jonathan “Sankeyz” Sanchez
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