Join Turg and Randy Z as they engage their savvy guest Natalie Torres-Haddad – award winning author, TEDx speaker and financial influencer – as they discuss the realities behind finances and most importantly financial literacy – or lack thereof – in our lives and…
Why we are not set up for financial success in school?
Natalie – a business major – shares her experiences with the lack of formal education in the realm of financial literacy. It’s an important topic that doesn’t get as much attention as it needs. The reality is that our schools do not help support financial education for children of all ages. The fundamentals of finances are always discovered the hard way. Natalie, Turg and Randy reminisce about college and how financial trouble usually brought invaluable lessons along with it. Unfortunately, even now, information on how to be financially free and successful in our lives comes at the expense of learning the hard way.
What impact does culture have on financial transparency?
You’d never think that culture played a role in finances, but it does. Natalie shares her real-life experiences with family and finances and not being able to pinpoint how her family was doing financially. Growing up, we might not have noticed how finances were discussed among our parents. But moving forward – and now especially in our 30s and if we have children – it’s important to understand how transparency helps share lessons with all involved. When kids start asking about finances, it’s important not to hide things from them that might help them discover their own path toward the subject. For many cultures it’s taboo to discuss finances – how do we break that cycle in order to help future generations – especially emerging minority populations?
How is property buying the key to unlocking financial freedom?
Natalie and Turg share their property buying experiences and compare and contrast their successes and failures. Understanding that property can contribute to completely shifting your financial status is important. In the same breath, however, understanding that it could also cost you is equally important. Making the right moves in buying property can help liberate your finances – despite what you may think. Lots of more options are available to you once you buy. But, when you buy, be careful to measure your risks and calculate out your tolerance.
When is the right time to buy property?
It’s always important to know when to buy. Turg shares that his first property came at close to the high point of the housing market back in the early 2000s. Natalie shares her experiences with home owners that went all-in during the peak and suffered the consequences. The lessons learned when investing are always tough. The old adage “It takes money to make money” couldn’t be more true than it is today, however, knowing how much to invest and when to invest it is always important. Before you go all-in on something, make sure you’ve studied the markets, understand your potential financial exposure, and weigh your options carefully. Often times, surrounding yourself with knowledgeable people, books and even social groups might help you gain more of an understanding your future investments
Great talk. Glad to hear this is a topic that is now being talked about. I work in the finance industry and I can tell you from personal experience that women are still not investing. Even women that are in the finance world. Women of color are even worse off. I am all about managing your finance and learning to invest and having your money work for you, but it is difficult to find other like minded women. Good to see that Natalie are bringing awareness to this topic. I have tried to bring plenty of awareness to this topic within my circle of friends and female colleagues but it is hard topic to talk about.